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A Message From Amy Oxford

After a great deal of reflection, I’ve decided to retire from teaching punch needle rug hooking and to no longer hold classes at The Oxford Rug Hooking School. Please be assured that The Oxford Company will remain in business, and that punch needles, patterns, monk’s cloth, frames, rug yarn, and the Teacher Certification Program will live on! We have made careful plans to provide continuity, so that you will be able to access this program and the supplies that you value.

When I started teaching 37 years ago, I could count the number of instructors on two hands. Things have come a long way since I taught my first class in 1986! I feel confident retiring from teaching, knowing that the craft is going strong and in so many capable hands, with over 130 Oxford Certified Instructors teaching in the US, Canada, Ecuador, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Japan, England, Wales, and online. There are also 11 Advanced Oxford Certified Instructors trained to teach others to be Oxford Instructors.

It’s been exciting to be a part of your creative journey. The thing I’ll remember most from my classroom is the laughter. And of course, your work! You often left me admiringly standing in a cloud of dust as you went on to make things I never could have imagined. It’s been inspiring and humbling and I know for a fact that I’ve learned more from all of you than you’ve learned from me.

The Oxford Teacher Certification Program will carry on without interruption. Though I will no longer be teaching the workshops myself, I will continue to lend ongoing support to all Oxford Instructors and to oversee the program with the same insistence on excellence.

What I really want to say is thank you. Whether you took a class for an hour or have had the patience to put up with me for 37 years - Thank you! For coming to The Oxford Rug Hooking School; for having me teach at your school or home; for your friendship and encouragement – Thank You! Though I know it’s time, it’s also sad. I’ll miss hearing your laughter, sharing in your creative triumphs, and the sound of many punches punching. Teaching you has been a joy and a privilege.

Punch On!


Upcoming Classes & Events

February 18, 25, March 3, 10, 17, 24, and April 7, 14. As part of the class, a special mini-retreat will be offered on March 29. Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Workshop - Exclusively for Creatives! Taught by Advanced Oxford Certified Instructor Kelly Wright.
April 13

International Punch Needle Rug Hooking Day. Free Event - Open to All! 


April 28 - May 1 Oxford Certified Instructor Biennial Reunion in Burlington, Vermont
4 weekends - June 1, 2, 8, 9, 15, 16, and 22, 23 Oxford Teacher Certification Program. Taught online by Advanced Oxford Certified Instructor Kelly Wright. For more information please email KellyApplications must be submitted by April 18th.
September 15-21 Oxford Teacher Certification Program. Taught by Advanced Oxford Certified Instructor Kim Scanlan. Hugo (St. Paul) Minnesota. For more information please email Kim.
September 29 - October 2 The International Guild of Handhooking Rugmakers (TIGHR) Triennial Conference. Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada